In this section I am going to cover the common phonetics used on the regular bases as most of them do not follow the actual phonetics used mentioned as days go people try to change to easier one. Here is a list below with simple examples and you can use it too.

A As in Alpha
B As in Bravo/ Boy
C As in California
D As in David
E As in Edward
F As in Frank
G As in Girl
H As in Henry
I As in Indiana
J As in Jack
K As in Kite
L As in Linda
M As in Mary
N As in Nancy
O As in Oscar
P As in Peter
Q As in Queen
R As in Robert
S As in Sam
T As in Tango
U As in Uniform
V As in Victor
W As in Whisky
X As in X ray
Y As in Yellow
Z (zee) As in Zebra or Zullu

Most of them are used by all of them instead the actual phonetics. If you want the actual correct phonetics would post in next post.

Thanks for reading, Leave your comments and suggestion.

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